Friday, February 24, 2012

How vegan friendly is Salt Lake City?

My family and I are all vegans, we have a 17 year old, a 4 year old and I'm expecting another in April. We live in the very vegan friendly Seattle right now but are moving to Salt Lake City. I've done some googling and there seems to be a fair amount of restaurants, some of which we can walk to from our new house and we will be living pretty close to a Whole Foods. But does anyone have experience being a vegan in Salt Lake City?How vegan friendly is Salt Lake City?
Being Vegan in Salt Lake is easy. There are many places throughout the Salt Lake valley where one can find vegans dishes. We have one of the best ranked vegan restaurants as well as a completely vegan bakery/grocery called Cakewalk? If you get to SL and don't know what to do, you can call cakewalk or any of the local vegan establishments, and they will give you all of the info on vegan living in the Salt Lake Valley. They are very friendly and experienced on the subject. I think that you will be surprised how vegan friendly it is once you get here. Here are some links:

Lots more to link but these can help you get a start. It's no Seattle but we are happy with what we have.
Salt lake city is a very friendly place but vegan friendly I would suggest Oregon, Eugene is a good place in Oregon .I live in Idaho and it is a good place too.How vegan friendly is Salt Lake City?
You can be vegan anywhere with a creative mind :)

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